Friday, November 10, 2006

Ahhh! so that is where the gas goes

OK, not too long ago I tried to fix the wiper motor on my wife’s truck and it did not go especially well. It took my brain a while to kick in and remember that Providence Public Library has a great resource called the Automotive Repair Reference Center. It shows a complete set of information about cars and repair for models from 1945 to 2006, sorry model Ts. Another part of the site I find more fun is AutoIQ. If you have ever had someone explain how a car works and your brain turned to goo then use this feature. Complete, fun, well explained videos, and text that is simple to us and understand. If you teach car repair this one is helpful. I looked up the truck and found where I had gone wrong but as usual it was too late and I broke the piece, but please learn from my mistake and give it a try!

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