Tuesday, February 27, 2007

“Reminds me of my safari in Africa. Somebody forgot the corkscrew and for several days we had to live on nothing but food and water.” Fields

Safari is the Mac Internet browser. It works well and has lots of good features but it can be made to be a little better. To begin, open Safari and the click on the Safari menu at the top left. There you can set it to block pop ads. This does a decent job although not 100%. Click on preferences to adjust more stuff. Here you can change your homepage and other basics but there is an essential option to change as well. Unfortunately there is a potential danger because of the "open safe files" after downloading setting. Turn this one off to stop any potential malicious junk from activating by itself. I also go to the tabbed browsing setting and enable it. This allows different web pages to be displayed in a single window but under different tabs. It is an easier and faster way to surf the Internet than having more than Safari window open at a time. Give these a try.

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