Thursday, January 11, 2007

You are correct sir!

Many times I end a letter in the same way. I am not a fast typist so I look for any shortcuts I can find. If you type something like your name over and over in Microsoft Word then you should be using the Auto Correct feature. Auto Correct allows you to save a series of letters and change them into whatever you want. For example, I type in PPL and Word automatically changes it to Providence Public Library. It is easy to set it up.
First open Microsoft Word and then click the Tools menu at the top. Then choose "auto correct options". A screen will pop up. Type in some letters that will represent your phrase in the replace box. Then type the phrase or sentence in the box. Press OK and the type in your letters and hit the space bar or enter key and your long phrase should appear. I use this for anything I type repetitively. Also check the list for other auto corrections that are preset. Give it a try!

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