Tuesday, June 05, 2007

“Good words are worth a thousand pictures.”

A recent question from a student was about inserting pictures in Microsoft Word Documents. She asked why everything moves around when a new picture is on the page. This is a very common issue. The problem is one of layout. If you click on a picture in your document and then go up to the format menu and choose picture. This will bring up the format picture window. Click on the layout tab and then choose anything but in line with text. That one is the default and pushes the text all over the place. I personally like square or tight. This forces the text closely around the picture. You can also move it around wherever you want it. If you choose in front of text you have total freedom to place it anywhere. However be careful of using the behind text because it may be a pain to select later. This will help any document where you use pictures. This also includes autoshapes, clipart, and wordart. Give it a try.

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