Tuesday, June 26, 2007

“What makes the desert beautiful is that somewhere it hides a well.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Recently Google has changed thier setup. At one time you were able to click on the button more and then even more to access a gigantic list of Google features. Unfortunatley they took this away and now you have to know that a feature exists before you can use it. To give you an example, there is a feature that shows you everything you want to know about a band. You must type in music:they might be giants or any band for this to work. If you do not know it exists then you may not be able to use it. So the question is how do I see the total list of features? David Sok, one part of our tech team here at Providence Public libraries discovered if you point to the word more on the Google page and right click and choose new tab or window it will open with a full category list of everything they offer. In the future I plan to highlight some of the lesser known extras of Google. Give this a try.

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