"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.'" Galadriel - J.R.R. Tolkien
Happy Caucus Day! I have been waiting for this holiday for what seems like an eternity. Now if you are not a political junkie by now it is time for you to catch up. This is the one time of year a really tiny group begins to decide something for a gigantic nation, as in who will be president. Around 100,000 people will give a big old push to a couple of candidates tonight and influence the rest of the race. Now, how do you catch up? I recommend heading to our friend Wikipedia for the basics. . Second I love the Podcast It’s all politics from NPR. It is a comical look at the goings on brought to you by two well known political pundits. They should have a new episode tomorrow with any luck. Finally something from out of nowhere a musical about the Iowa Caucus. How could you go wrong? Also I should mention Youtube’s Caucus time videos. They are videos with people who will be doing be a discussin’ and a votin’. So get some pizza, get excited, and give these sites a try.
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